Lancashire Area Annual General Meeting 2011 Venue: 45, Chestnut Street Southport 25th March 2012 Time 10 a.m. Minutes of the meeting. Present: A.W. Newton (Chairman), Denis Brooks, M. Newton and G.R. Mealing. .1) Apologies
included, M. Lau, D. Knight, I. Brooks, H. Newton, R. Tynan, W. Youlton, E. Howard, P. Warrington, S. Gibbon and A. Carlisle. 2) Minutes of the last meeting, 27th March 2011 were agreed by those members who were present at the meeting. 3) Matters Arising. None. 4) Area Reps Report. Attached. 5) Finance Report, was given by the Treasurer G.R. Mealing, who informed the members that the report showed that despite a £366.71 deficit on the year, the Area had a surplus balance of £1840.87. The deficit was due in the main to the staging of two FPJ courses during the
year. The meeting was informed that the Area Committee had agreed that during the year 01-01-12 to 31-12-12 only the FPJ Level 1 would be staged. It was reported out that the medals for the Area Championships were in stock. 6) BJC Nat Events Calendar was discussed briefly. 7) Election of Officers: Area Representative 1
Nomination, Mr.A. Newton Nominated by G.R.Mealing Assistant Area Rep. 1 Nomination. G.R.Mealing Nominated by Mr. D. Brooks. The election of the two officers was approved by the meeting. 8) Election of Area Committee and Treasurer; nominations from the floor included Michael Lau, David Knight, Denis Brooks, Richard Tynan, Hannah Newton and Moira Newton. These nominations were approved by the members present. 9) Nominations to the AGM of the B.J.C for H.q.c. A.W. Newton, G.R. Mealing. Both nominees were endorsed by
the meeting. 10) Recommendations to the Technical Committee (TC) of the BJC. None. 11) Area Programme was discussed briefly. 12) A.O.B. The 40th Anniversary of Southport Summer School Dinner (2012) was reported on, all arrangements were in hand.
There being no further business the Chairman Mr. A. Newton closed the meeting at 12.15, thank members present for their attendance.
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Area Representative's Annual Report (Year ending 31st December 2011). 25th March 2012 Area Course: No
course was held. Gradings: Held at the end of the Summer School with insufficient numbers to procede! Southport Summer School: Was staged at Our Lady of Lourdes Judo Club, Southport. The Instruction this year was given by the Vice President Mr GR Mealing 7th Dan, Mrs Moira Newton 5th Dan Mr AW Newton 5th, Dan and Miss Ann Scott 5th Dan. Attendance was very good with support from clubs outside the Area.
An FPJ level 1 course was staged on the weekend immediately before Southport Summer School. Instruction of the course was under the direction of Mrs. P. Grigg 5th Dan the officially appointed director of FPJ courses for the. Only 10 members were in attendance and the following weekend the FPJ level 2 only 7 members attended, these disappointing figures resulted in an overall loss to the Area of £294.80 pence. The Area Committee has decided that the Lancs Area can no longer stage both the FPJ courses and are considering the option of holding just one in the year and that would be at the end of the Summer School week. This is very much regretted but with other events not generating surpluses over expenditure it is no longer possible to carry on with 2 such loss making events.
Area Squads: No sessions were held. Area Championships 2011: As in the previous year they were unfortunately cancelled due to lack of entries. Area Kata: 2011. Due to the lack of numbers at the previous year’s course, the Area decided to stage a one day Kata Course in May. Attendance was sadly less than expected and outgoing exceeded income by £6.96p. A disappointing but sustainable outcome and the course will be in next years list of events. In closing this report, I wish to thank those of you who have supported the efforts of your Area Committee during this past year.
A.W. Newton (Mr). Area Representative
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